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misty camp

There were two really great things about our camp: first, that we had a panoramic view of the glacier, so I could sit in the tent and watch big hunks fall off, and second, that we could HEAR the glacier calving endlessly. It sounded like low rumbling thunder. You had to be very patient to see it calve from the campsite, because by the time the sound got that far, the calving was over. I picked a part of the glacier and just sat and watched until it calved. It was pretty incredible, even from a couple of miles away. Then, 5-10 minutes after any given calving, the surge would arrive on the beach. The glacier was calving far more often than once every 10 minutes, so you could only tell that it took that long for the waves to arrive because sometimes the glacier would calve an especially large hunk, which would make a rumbling and crack that seemed to go on and on, and made you look up from whatever you were doing, and the surges from those events were especially large and noticeable when they arrived.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 16, 2004 23:54 / Permalink / Comment






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