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will we stay or will we go?

Click on the thumbnails above, or the [VIDEO] links below, for the videos.

The plane showed up just a few minutes later, and I wanted to get a video of him landing. I didn't expect that there would be multiple videos...

[VIDEO-11MB] This is the first fly-by, largely featuring our confusion about what was going on (did he see us?). The camerawork is shoddy because the sun was shining on the screen so I couldn't see what was in the frame.

[VIDEO-3.7MB] The second fly-by, and our confusion grows. We REALLY don't know what's going on.

[VIDEO-3.4MB] After a fly-by in the other direction (somehow I missed catching Deb saying, "Now this is really starting to scare me."), and then another pass down in the river bed which really threw us for a loop since the plane disappeared entirely and stayed below the cliff for just long enough for us to think he'd actually landed down there (and that we might have to cross the river AGAIN). This was the first attempt to land. You can't see it in the video, but the bar ends in a 20 foot drop off, so there's good reason to abandon the landing attempt.

[VIDEO-11MB] The actual landing, which was probably quite safe but from our position looked like it ended about five feet from the cliff. Given that, in our heads, we were both working out what to do if the plane went off the cliff, the verbalization is pretty low-key.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Aug 09, 2004 12:57 / Permalink / Comment






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