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a tent with a view

Wonder of wonders, the moraine was easy to navigate and there was a beautiful camping spot by a stream and lake, with fireweed in full bloom all around, and a view you just couldn't beat. Deb was kind enough to set up the tent and bring me all the cooking supplies so I could cook dinner without moving, because it was unbelievably, undescribably painful to move. My leg muscles hurt when I touched them, so I couldn't rest my hands on my thighs. I've never been in quite that sort of pain. It wasn't the kind of sore you get from pushing your muscles more than they're used to -- it was as if my muscles were tender, not sore. Any jarring or touch was painful. I felt almost normal the next morning, which was really amazing since it was truly painful to walk a single step the night before.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Aug 07, 2004 12:14 / Permalink / Comment






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