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is a hole. It's surrounded by beautiful scenery, but it's a tiny town aka a huge gravel parking lot with two high-rises, one of which is abandoned and looks bombed out. Really. Then the Princess cruise ship arrived and it must have held 10 times the number of people in Whittier. The high-rises were built by the government to house military but now house civilians... hence the lack of other housing. You can only get into Whittier by train or by car via the tunnel which is only open to cars for 15 minutes an hour each way, between certain hours, so it's not like everyone just lives somewhere down the road. But there are NO HOUSES in Whittier that I saw. It's just a business district. A very odd place, but our jumping-off point for the kayak trip nonetheless.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 14, 2004 03:05 / Permalink / Comment






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