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wolf sighting!

There's only one road into the park, and you're not allowed to drive past mile 16 of it (it's 90 miles long). Everyone takes shuttle buses into the park, and the buses stop along the way when someone sees wildlife. It's actually a great system because it keeps stupid drivers off the roads, and it gives you the advantage of numbers. We never would have seen much of the wildlife we saw, if there hadn't been a whole bus full of people with their eyes peeled.

This was one of those amazing sightings. I know the picture is horrible. We saw an alpha female wolf with two pups, and then the alpha male showed up. That's the black wolf in the picture. The female was a brownish color that blended in really well with the riverbed. The male was easy to spot. One pup had the mom's coloring and one had the dad's coloring.

Pretty amazing -- I never thought I would get to see wolves!

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 24, 2004 21:40 / Permalink / Comment






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