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sea kayaking

This whole trip started with the idea that I wanted to go sea kayaking in Alaska. Now, we're less than a week before D-day and I still don't have reservations or firm plans for the kayaking portion of the trip. I have narrowed it down to an area of Prince William Sound that I want to visit.... but it requires a water taxi trip and I can't get that coordinated with the kayak rental (don't ask -- I know it doesn't seem like it should be that hard!). I'm scared to find out how much the water taxi will cost. Anyhow, I picked this part of the Sound because there are some glaciers in the Icy Bay area but also a much higher likelihood of seeing whales than in the glacier-laden northern part of the Sound. I'm sure I'm being far too picky about this! I've heard nothing but great things about kayaking in PWS.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 05, 2004 01:35 / Permalink / Comment


Dual Head, Prince William Sound, AK


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