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On the last day, we got up at about 6am and managed to get out of camp by 8:30 or so. This was all motivated by our pickup time of 4pm, which coincided with high tide. We needed to get out of the fiord before low tide (9:30am) in order to avoid a repeat of our last paddling-against-the-tide day.

We took this group picture just before we paddled out of camp, but it didn't come out so well. The rain made it hard to get the camera set up well, and the tripod wasn't holding the camera upright. Oh well. Despite the rain, the paddling was good with very calm water. We got out of the fiord before low tide, crossed Icy Bay through the asteroid belt of icebergs, and got to our pickup spot in just 3 hours. Which meant an afternoon of waiting in the rain, since no one was in the mood for paddling around Whale Bay until pickup time. We set the tent up and read all afternoon.

Sadly, we never saw any whales up close. Our second night, we did see some orcas in Dangerous Passage, but they were pretty far away and mostly we could just see them blowing air as they came up.

The best way to look at all the pictures from the kayak trip is to go to "Albums" (at the top of the page), and choose the Prince William Sound album. Then, scroll down to the last picture in the album (they're backwards), or to the last picture you've looked at, click on that, and go forward from there (using the thumbnails at the bottom of the page). That way, you get the chronological explanations.

Pictures from post-kayaking soon!

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 18, 2004 00:59 / Permalink / Comment






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