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fairbanks farmers market

We drove into Fairbanks late on a Friday night. It's a pretty small town (population equivalent to Chapel Hill, I think), but feels larger than it is. It sprawls, which makes it seem pretty big, but it's also the biggest town north of Anchorage, and is much more geographically central to Alaska than Anchorage, so it's an important link to a large part of the state.

We could smell the smoke from the forest fires when we got into town. It wasn't too strong -- just strong enough, in fact, that we both noticed it but it took a few minutes to recognize what it was.

We camped next to the Farmers Market and rolled out of "bed" the next morning to go see what they had. The farmers were very nice, as are pretty much all Alaskans. They raise pretty much the same vegetables we do, though corn is in short supply. We tasted some rhubarb-raspberry jelly that got processed (or started, at least) within an hour of picking. Yummy!

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 31, 2004 19:00 / Permalink / Comment






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