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Denali sled dogs #2

The sled dogs are all Alaskan huskies, which are different from Siberian Huskies in that they're bred entirely for working, not for looks. The pictures I've got here look mostly like classic Huskies, but most of the dogs looked like shelter dogs with thick coats. They seemed a bit like Border Collies in their body language. Lots of them do have blue eyes, though.

I have two videos of the demo. The first one(10MB/37sec long) shows a dog getting really excited about getting to work. It reminded me of search dogs before a problem. You'll want to unmute to hear the barking, but be prepared because it's loud. The second one(7.5MB/26sec long) just shows the team pulling into the demo area.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 24, 2004 20:55 / Permalink / Comment






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