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We cooked down on the beach, in the tidal area. We didn't see a lot of intertidal life on our trip, though I know it's there. We cooked in the tidal zone because we wanted to keep cooking smells away from our campsite and the tide would come in and disperse the smell a bit. Grizzly bears are not a big issue in the part of Prince William Sound where we were, but brown bears were, so we had to hang all of our food from trees every night -- which always proved to be more time-consuming than expected. Hanging food has always been one of my least favorite parts of camping. I've heard reports recently of portable, solar-powered electric fencing used to keep bears away from food, and it sounds like tests have largely been successful (check out the video at NOLS: http://www.nols.edu/resources/research/movies/bearfence_xl.shtml). It still wouldn't help with smaller animals and rodents in areas where the animals have become very habituated to people, but in remote spots like this where people rarely camp, it would be fabulous.

There's a bigger picture here.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 15, 2004 23:26 / Permalink / Comment






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