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and they're off!

We got off to a slow start the first morning (and most mornings) and didn't get out paddling until almost 2pm. Amazingly, you can get away with that sort of thing in Alaska in the summertime. The sun doesn't set until after 11pm these days, and it takes a couple of hours to get dark after that, so it's easy to shift everything later.

The first morning took a while to get our gear packed up, and then it took quite a bit of reworking to get it all to fit in the kayaks. Our initial simplistic plans to put all the heavy food in the middle compartment, sleeping stuff in the back and clothes in the front turned out to be unworkable because it meant we were putting all the little bags in one spot and all the big bags in another spot that wasn't any larger. Welcome to the real world.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 15, 2004 18:59 / Permalink / Comment






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